These are practice questions that will have picked from various topics; these include; Environmental awareness and waste control, Health and Welfare, Accident reporting and recording also Dust and Fumes.
If you are a site operative preparing to sit the cscs exam, you will need knowledge of health and safety within the worksite. This will include being able to recognise and understand safety signs, notice unsafe and report unsafe working practices on a worksite and look after you and other co-workers around you.
When you decide to get a green card, you’ll have first to sit and pass the health and safety exam. This is a pretty straightforward test that most of you will not have a problem passing on the first attempt. Many people these days think the cscs exam is a bit easy and involves common sense. While this is true for some, people who take the test without studying and with no practice or mock tests are failing the exam because they think this way. To ensure you pass the first time we recommend reading as much as possible, and take as many mock cscs tests as you can find so that you will pass the first time with flying colours.
The cscs mock test we have created below is a practice exam for operatives aiming to take their cscs exam and get hold of that green card; anyone that is interested in passing should be ok to answer these as they are about health and safety that you will need to know to work on a construction site.
After you have finished this exam, why not try out our Full CSCS mock tests, which have 50 questions, one can be found here.
Comment below to let us know how you got on after you finish this practice exam.
Got 20 out of 20. Thanks for providing this test!
Very handy example of test
Hi Laura,
You will need to submit your questions at the end of the quiz and it will show you your answers.
35 out of 36
Can’t see the results???
Hi Scott, sorry about this, what happens when you click the submit button at the end of the test?
Just has try again option, No submit button. Have that all questions have been answered.
Sorry this quiz was having issues submitting, we think we have solved this issue now if you would like to try the test again
49 out of 50. Only got that one wrong because I didn’t read the question correctly.
Good test to prepare
Apparently I scored 5 wrong but upon reviewing my answers, only one one had been correctly marked… I should have achieved 49 out of 50 based on the answers I gave.
Thanks, I will look into the scoring system
Be very good
Very good
Hi I have submitted the test but it hasn’t give me my score
Q 37 keeps giving incorrect answer according to regulations it is very confusing please try and fix the problem thanks
Didn’t give me test results just kept saying loading…
Sorry about this Jordan, we had a new site design and it has caused a few issues. This should now be resolved for you.
Thank you for the assistance. I have a lot to revise.
Hi just done a mock test , and got 38 so it says 12 wrong but I can see only 3 red crosses ( so 3 wrong ) am I missing something,thanks
Thanks for pointing this out, there was an issue with the marking of the multiple answer questions
It’s helpful, 46 out of 50